For general enquiries please use [email protected]

Mrs M Woodhouse,

Miss J Hubbard,
Vice Principal

Mrs J Turland,
EYFS Lead I Phase 1 Lead I Phonics & Early Reading Lead

Miss F Nurgat,
SENDCo and DT for LAC

Mrs B Lovell,
Acting Vice Principal, Phase 2 Lead, English Lead, PE Lead and EAL Lead.

Miss P Bains,
Phase 3 Lead and Maths Lead

Miss J Lonsdale,
Teacher I Computing - Community Champion

Mrs D Walsh-Blair,
Teacher I RE & Geography

Mrs W Follows,
Teacher I History Champion

Miss G Whatsize,
D and T Lead. OPAL

Miss K Desai,
Teacher - RE Champion

Miss A Mussa,
Teacher - Music and Geography Lead

Miss S Patel,
Art and DT Champion

Mrs S Hughes,
MFL and Reading Culture

Mrs G Bhalsod,
Teacher - History and Science Lead & Community Champion

Miss W Smith,
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs K Brown,
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs C Wale,
Family Support & Removing Barriers to Learning Officer and PSHE Champion

Mrs S Tattersall,
HLTA and PE Champion

Mrs S Steele-Mulla,
HLTA and MFL Champion

Mrs S Johnston,
L3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Walton,
Teaching Assistant

Miss S Flynn,
Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Hollidge,
Teaching Assistant

Miss S Brown,
Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Lapworth,
Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Calver,
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Y Punter,
Teaching Assistant

Ms E Taylor,
Teaching Assistant

Miss G Chapple,
Teaching Assistant
Mrs F Rimsy,
Teaching Assistant

Mr G Hart,
HLTA - Community Champion

Miss J Penman,
Teaching Assistant

Mr D Brown,
Premises Officer

Mrs S Smith,

Mrs S Sivaranjan,

Mr S Kenyon,

Mrs M Harnetty,
Office Manager

Miss H Berrington,
Administrative Assistant

Mrs K Wigley,
Administrative Assistant