
Thurnby Mead Primary Academy aims to enable all pupils the opportunity to achieve their best academically, emotionally and socially through:

  • Providing high quality learning to enable pupils to acquire the skills, knowledge and concepts relevant to their future;
  • Promoting an ethos of care, mutual respect and support, where effort is valued and success celebrated;
  • Enabling pupils to become active, responsible and caring members of the academy and wider community. The academy works towards these aims by:
  • Promoting high quality learning and exceptional attainment;
  • Providing high quality curriculum entitlement and a safe and quality learning environment;
  • Promoting positive values when teaching PE;
  • Promoting an effective partnership with parents and the wider community;
  • Competitiveness;
  • SMSC;
  • Sportsmanship;
  • Enjoyment.

Parent and Community Links

PE takes place on a Friday. Children are to come to school with their PE kits on, this was a change since covid 19. Swimming Lessons take place through out the summer term and this day can vary yearly. All pupils from the Nursery to Year 6 should be dressed appropriately for PE.  Long hair must be tied up securely; class teachers will need to make decisions on pupils wearing glasses during sessions and no jewellery is permitted during sessions unless for religious observance

Sports day – Summer 2


Subject Leader/s

Mrs Tattersall


Foundation taking part in Big Moves!

Year 1 have been learning and exploring a range on balances and exploring different ways they can move their bodies.

Year 2 have used their imagination to find different ways to move on the apparatus, developed balance, agility and control as well as thinking about their performance having a beginning a middle and an end. They have worked collaboratively to create partner balances and explore ways of moving.

Here is year 3 taking part in a Dance workshop. They learnt and understood the meaning behind some of the traditional dances in China.

Year 4 have been refining some of their Athletics skills by practicing their running and changing over of the baton, ready for sports day!

Year 5 have been enjoying their gymnastic lessons showing a clear progression through school by aiming higher and more technical in their ability and agility.

Year 6 practicing their athletics, concentrating on speed and accuracy of our footwork.

Children in our DSP join their different year groups for PE sessions.